So I figured I'd write a quick post today. I went and met with my recruiter the other day for my weekly check in (he requires we do this after swearing in, I'm not sure about other recruiters). As I mentioned in my last post, we discussed a ridiculous financial situation that came about recently. We talked about my sister in law and how she's doing (since he was her and her husband's recruiter also!), and about her baby she just had about 3 weeks ago. Her job is Aircrew Flight Equipment. We had actually discussed me listing this on my job list, and he thought I did! Our monthly job drop within our squadron is comprised of about 98% Mechanical and Electrical jobs, which is why he was encouraging me to list it. Well, I told him I did not in fact put it down, so he immediately added it to my list (which I was more than okay with!) haha! He also handed me the book of job descriptions he has, and told me to read through every single mech. job. I was there for about an hour and a half just doing that.
I was fine with doing this, because the more jobs I list, the better chance I have of getting a job/ship date sooner! I ended up listing about 6 more jobs total, and I think we added on the Admin and Mech Aptitude Areas. I also think we removed a job, I can't remember.
Anyway, I highly encourage everyone to do this! Especially if you want to leave rather quickly, but don't want to sign up for quickship. But remember, don't list anything you don't really want to do; you could end up with it, and be mad. It falls back on you, though!
I've still been trying to improve on PT, and it's slowly coming along. I ran my mile today, and did some situps. The way I'm trying to improve on pushups is by doing them on the wall! My boss actually recommended this. I was doing "girl" pushups, which is the standard form for a "real" pushup, but you're on your knees. I wasn't getting anywhere with it, so I've been doing about 4 sets of 20 per day, or as often as possible. I can definitely tell I'm getting stronger, and kind of did one real pushup today! Every little bit counts!
I'll end this here, it's almost my bed time! Good night all, and Aim High!

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