06 November 2012

Officially Active Duty....Lackland Bound!

I've made it to Houston!

Today has been a ridiculously long day, and I'm ready for some sleep, however brief it may be! Flying has been an....adventure...for me.

I'm gonna have to sign off for now! I have a million calls to make still, before leaving out for San Antonio. I'm expecting to be there around 2200! Ughhh. I'll make sure and give several longgggg posts about my MEPS experience today, and the BMT process in general!

Talk to y'all in 8.5 weeks! Aim High, DEPpers!

05 November 2012

It's Our Time


I'm currently sitting in my hotel room, waiting to head to a briefing, then come back and go to bed, then go to MEPS, then the airport, then to Lackland AFB! Haha. You get the picture.

Well, the last few days have been crazy! I've had 2 going away parties, one with my mom and family, the other with my in-laws. I got pretty emotional yesterday when I said goodbye to my in-laws. I've been a part of that family for almost 10 years. It's crazy. Knowing I wouldn't see my sweet, weirdo 18 month nephew for 4ish months almost killed me! I love that boy so much! It's hard saying goodbye, but it's for the better. In 24 hours, I'll either be arriving at Lackland, or well on my way. And then in 8 (hopefully short) weeks, I'll be an American Airman. Wow.

Also, this week my 11thers are graduating!!!!! Ahhhh!! I'm SO proud of them! Britt and Brandon: I can't believe it's already that time! I hope it goes by as fast for me, as it seemed to for y'all! Write me as much as possible, and let me know what jobs y'all ended up with!

Anyway. Tomorrow is going to be heart breaking. I have to tell my mom and husband goodbye. =[ Y'all already know how I feel about it. My hubby is my best friend in the entire world; not having him there with me is going to be torture. On top of that, I had to tell my children (cats) bye today! Poor Teddy Westside isn't going to know what to do! I already miss him bunches!

So my weight crept back on me these last few weeks. Boo. My max weight is 150, and the last several days, I've been a constant 143. But, my going away party yesterday killed it. I was almost 145 this morning! Eeeeekkkkk! I'm thinking I'm back down to 144, but hopefully less. I want to be at 142, which is what I weighed in at the first time to MEPS. But, if I get 143, I'll be happy! I haven't eaten alllllll day! And, it's 1930! I've been drinking water like nobody's business. Then, I'll have to have a repeat tomorrow of my first trip to MEPS: nothing. Not even water. I just got back from the hotel gym, where I ran for 20ish minutes. I'm about to head back down until our briefing at 2030, and possibly do the elliptical or bike. I've also done some push ups, sit ups, and jumping jacks in my room! Then, I'm going to make my own sauna in the bathroom when I get done. Hopefully I can sweat out some weight! Everyone keep your fingers crossed that I make it down to 143 at least tomorrow!

Well, I'm calling it quits tonight. I'll try and update tomorrow at the airport or something! It may just be a one-liner, but I'll get something out! Thanks so much for reading, and thinking of me as I go through this awesome journey! I can't wait to tell y'all what BMT was like, and soon Tech School! Have an AMAZING Air Force evening! <3

01 November 2012

I've Got Chills...They're Multiplyin'

Wow. Just…wow. As of today, I only have 3 full days left at home with my loved ones. Crazy how time flies, huh? I'll be leaving for the hotel around noon Monday. It's just...weird. I officially broke down and cried my eyes out last night. Thinking about spending those 2 months away from my husband got to me. I know I'll hardly have time to think about it, but it still blows.

I'm officially all packed up and ready to go. Well, the only things I'm lacking in my bag are make up and my comb. I'll put those in there Sunday night or Monday morning. I only have to lose 3 more pounds by Tuesday, so I'm doing pretty well on that front. I definitely need to PT more, though. I don't think it's possible at this point to do it too much. Every little bit will help! Unless I get injured, of course. But I won't let that happen!

It's weird to think that my 4thers from the September group did their Airman's run this morning, and will officially be Airmen come tomorrow! Then, 3 days after I arrive, my besties and 11thers will be graduating! Time has flown since they went, so I'm hoping it'll be the same for me.

I'd have to say the thing I'm most nervous for is BEAST week. I'm excited about it, because it's going to be badass, but I'm not looking forward to waking up and there potentially be a snake cuddling me. I have a feeling I won't get much sleep that week. Haha!

I think that what I'm most looking forward to, aside from actually graduating, is the O-Course and getting my ABU's and Blues. Doing the O-Course is going to be a big challenge for me. Not like I can't handle it, but I want to see what I'm actually capable of.

I think I'm going to make a post about what I'll be doing each WOT, that way y'all can kinda keep up! For now, though, I'm signing off. I'm about to attempt and see how many push ups I can do in a row. This is what I call fun now.

Happy Day After Halloween! Haha! =]