Nope, no ship date yet. He informed me that he submitted my job updates, but he went to check if they had been accepted, but not yet! We were both a little angry, but in the hour that I was there, he emailed them 3 times! Ha! I guess he's just being sure =] Anyway, he had to take one of the jobs off that I added, because I maxed the list out. But he said the job drop has happened, although he hasn't seen it yet. He did say I'm definitely at the top of his list to get a job first, though! It's because I've made it to every single DEP call since I started the process, I'm open to almost anything, and I'm not hard to get ahold of. Every time he calls, I answer or call him back immediately, same with texts. I've done my part, so now he's doing his =] I would hope all recruiters are like this, but I know they're not. But, if you're lucky enough to have one like I do, be sure to do everything they ask of you. Not only will it help you out for a job/ship date, it'll help you out in BMT and even being operational. People see that you're more than willing to do what needs to be done, so you could be chosen for numerous things over others! You also help out your recruiter doing this!
Being a recruiter is no easy task -- it's basically a 24/7 job. You have so many recruits to keep up with! You have to make sure they're staying qualified, submitting their forms/waivers, pushing to get them jobs/ship dates. There is so much that goes into being a recruiter, and it takes a special person to be able to do it. Regardless of how crappy your recruiter is, or how fantastic, take a moment to just say "thank you"! They've probably helped you out in ways that you don't know. They have to pull strings a lot! In one of my friend's cases, she was slated to go to MEPS, and she was 1 week out and had been telling her recruiter she was at weight. Well, at that 1 week mark, she was still 9 lbs over her max. Let's just say he wasn't a happy camper. He did everything he could to make sure she made weight, and she did! But she had to end up going back two more times for various waivers. She graduated BMT last July.
Anyway, I went for my run when I left my recruiter's office. It was at the place I do a lot of my runs, and we always have DEP calls. It's a "forest" type of park, with a lake in the middle of it. There's a path going around the lake, which is roughly 2.5 miles. It usually takes me at least 30-45 minutes to get all the way around. I don't run it all at one time. I usually run the first half mile, walk for 1-2 minutes, then run a minimum of .25 miles each time. But I don't normally make it to the full .25 haha! Today, though, I did! I ran it in about 26 minutes!!! This is a huge accomplishment for me! Now, I've gotta finish the rest of my workout (pushups/situps). If I actually manage any pushups tonight, I'll post!!
Have a good evening!!

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