08 August 2012


So, I just managed to do my FIRST "real" push up! Woot! I talked to my recruiter the other day, and he gave me some pointers (he even got down on the ground and did some!). I was keeping my hands too close to me, so he recommended I put them just outside my shoulders. I did, and I've been attempting it the last hour or two on commercials. Well, my last try (approx. 5 mins ago) I actually did one!

I have a big problem with keeping my body flat/straight, and not sticking my butt up when I go down. But, I managed the straightness, 90 degree angle of the arms, and looked forward and not down! As soon as I pushed up, though, I collapsed. Still. 1 is better than 0!!!

I haven't done any running these past 2 days, however. Yesterday was going to be my off day, and I intended to get back at it today. Well, my back had other plans. I worked 9-4 today, and hadn't had any problems whatsoever. Then, roughly 15 minutes before I left, I bent over to grab a bag from under the counter, when it hit me. It's not like a searing, piercing pain. It's just super sore. And it's my lower back. I ran a few errands after I got off, and then came home to rest for a bit. My husband and I usually leave at the same time to work out (he goes to the gym, while I brave the heat and run outside), so I was going to wait for him to get home and exchange a "How'd your day go?". Well, he left, and I decided to get up and change so I could leave. But, when I got up out of our recliner, I knew there wasn't a chance in Hell that I would be running. I didn't want to injure myself further. But then around 7:30ish, I thought I might go ahead and try. After all, the MTI's at BMT won't care if my back is a little sore, I'll still have to PT with the best of them. Nope. Still wasn't happenin'.

That's when I decided to attempt some sit ups/ push ups. Well, I decided against the sit ups, thinking if I can't even run, I definitely can't do sit ups. So that's what led me to the almost 2 hour session of attempting push ups. And I'm still UBER excited I did one!!

Anyway, that's the highlight of my day. Feel free to share yours! Although, I highly doubt you'll be able to beat that. Hahaha!! ;] Have a good night!

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