Within the Air Force, we have such things called Aptitude Areas, otherwise known as Open Contracts. These occur frequently. Some of you may be wondering what they are exactly, while others know exactly what I'm talking about! When you go to MEPS, you have an interview of sorts with your liaison in which you make a list, and essentially, pick your jobs. When doing this, you list a maximum of 10 jobs, and 1 Aptitude Area. Before you even leave for MEPS, let alone talk to your liaison about jobs, know what jobs you're interested in! Make a list, and bring it with you, and number them (1 being your top pick, and 10 being your last). They are more than willing to accommodate this for you! While you're listing your jobs, be thinking about what aptitude you want to list. If you're open to pretty much anything, ask which jobs drop most frequently within your squadron. For mine, it's Mech. and Elec.. But, if you're a bit more choosy, look at what jobs you picked the most of. Or, if you will only take a medical job, for example (which I strongly dis-advise) then list a Gen. Aptitude.
When you get back from MEPS, you and your recruiter should talk about what you listed, that way he/she knows what to look out for the most. They can see your list already, but by talking to them you let them know what you're most interested in, or what have you. I just added about 6 more jobs total to mine, but had to eliminate one of the original ones I listed, because I ran out of room. If you're like me, and open to basically anything, let your recruiter know!!! I can't stress that enough. I'm, fortunately, a favorite of my recruiter's because I also do what is asked of me, show up to the DEP CC's every month, and get back with him in a timely manner. This will work in my favor when the monthly job drops occur! He knows to lookout for something I may like, and get me shipped out faster!
Okay, back on topic of the open contracts. There are so many bad misconceptions about them. Basically, you won't get "stuck" with something you don't want. The one and only way this could happen is if you don't qualify for anything else on the list.
When you accept an open contract (Let's say it's a General one), you accept the fact that you won't know what your job is until around 7WOT in BMT. From what I've been told, around 4WOT, you will go and view what jobs are available under the General area (since that's what you chose, remember?!). Let's say you made a 92 on your ASVAB, with a score of 85 in General. Well, you have your handy dandy list you made of jobs you'd like, and you're cross referencing that list to what's available. List as many jobs as you can! But, be aware that if you list something you don't really care for, or don't want at all, there is a great chance you may end up with it. So don't list something just to fill up space, make sure you'd be okay with it! Anyway, let's say your most wanted jobs are Public Affairs, Cryptologic Linguist, Loadmaster, Diet Therapy, EOD, In-Flight Refueling, and SERE. (Granted, these all range dramatically, but just go with it =]) You absolutely do not want Security Forces, which is the most popular job, I believe, to be given on an Open Gen contract. Now, let's say you didn't qualify for the Loadmaster and (I think) In-Flight Refueling, because you're 5'3", and to qualify for any airborne job, you must be a minimum of 5'4". So, there's 2 of your 7 jobs automatically gone. You didn't list Security Forces, so you're in the clear. You scored well enough on the ASVAB, that you definitely qualify for the other jobs for that aspect. You also have to take into consideration Security Clearances, vision, depth perception, etc. We'll say you passed them all with flying colors!
Since you're more than qualified for all the jobs you listed, you should expect to get one. The difference between listing jobs at MEPS, then waiting around for months for you to get a particular job, and going Open to BMT, is that you get first pick! While you're stuck at home, waiting around for a job, the trainees at BMT are picking over your jobs! Essentially, you get sloppy seconds. You have a better chance of getting the job you want by going Open, than you do waiting around for months on end. You could've already graduated BMT and Tech School, and be at your first duty station by the time your 1 year DEP contract expires. Think about it that way. Another difference, however, is that not every job in the General aptitude area are going to be on the BMT list. Only the spots they have open within the entire Air Force.
I hope I've thoroughly explained this, and have answered any question you all may have. If I think of anything that I left out, I'll make sure to update! Feel free to comment! =]

I enjoyed your post. I keep reading a lot of horror stories about general open, but it doesn't make sense to me. All the jobs I'm interested in are General and they reserve 60% of jobs supposedly for BMT so why would I not want to go general open to get one of the jobs I want?