01 September 2012

Interview With An Airman: Round Two!

Hello again, everyone! Today is my second interview with an Airman!! I met this awesome guy through the September shippers Facebook page! He's been a GREAT help to all of us, and we appreciate him a lot! He has very valuable information, so if you're looking for any answers, this guy can most likely tell you! He has a Weapons job, so if you're interested in that area, he can tell you about that also! You should be able to find him in all of the BMT shippers pages on Facebook, but if you can't, feel free to comment, and I'll make sure he gets it! Thanks for reading!

Q: What is your AFSC?

 2W1X1-Armament Systems Technician. 


Active Duty

 Q: When did you go through BMT/Tech School? 

BMT: November 2008-January 2009
Tech School: January 2009-June 2009

Q: What was your dorm duty?

Fire crew-Took trash out.
House Mouse-Organized, cleaned, and took care of the MTI's office. I also fixed his cabinets once he found out I had worked at a cabinet factory previous to joining.
Road Guard-Stopped traffic for the formation to cross roads. If you need help on running, or like to run, do this.

Q: Compared to the list on this blog, what would you recommend/not recommend packing for BMT?

Look for red "suggestions"
-Glasses Prescription/Contact Lenses Prescription Don't bother even bringing contacts. Get some glasses before hand to get used to them, and save some hassle.
-3 Days of Civilian Clothing (Ex: 2 pairs of jeans, 3 T-Shirts, 3 pairs of socks, 3 pairs of underwear for men, since you are issued yours.)* For clothing, try, and bring crew neck shirts, and long shorts or pants. For various reasons tight fitting clothing or any v-necks should be discouraged especially for women. You will be tucking in your shirts also.
-Shower Shoes (Cheap Plain black rubber/plastic, no cloth/leather flip flops from Wal-Mart, Target, or Old Navy will suffice)
-Running Shoes (Wear these down there, your MTI may let you keep them) Depends entirely on your TI. You can always use them after BMT.
-Watch I suggest a cheap watch. It will get abused, and you don't want to risk it disappearing.
-Toothbrush holder Square tube style, not the one that fits on the end. 
-Q Tips Can buy them there so not too big of a worry. 
-Brush/Comb Guys, don't worry about this one, you won't need it.

Q: What did you do to prepare yourself for BMT? 

I really didn't do much. I made sure my finances were in order, and that all my stuff was taken care of. Other than making sure you are in okay shape, they will teach you everything you need to know at BMT. It is designed so that you can come in, and not know a thing, yet succeed. 

Q: What's your name and rank? 

Name: L. Smith 
Rank: Senior Airman selected for Staff Sgt.

 Q: What's operational life like compared to the world of BMT?

 It's much different. It's much more laid back as long as you remember your customs, and courtesies. You are treated like an adult for the most part. If you do get in trouble though, some supervision does make your life (in my opinion) more miserable than you will ever be in BMT. They can do it a variety of ways such as you having an escort at all times, a check in schedule, random blues inspections, ect.

Q: Did you ever have a 341 pulled? If so, for what? 

Yes, one. I honestly don't remember. I think I was in the DFAC, and said the wrong thing. It ended up getting trashed by my TI. 

Q: What is PT like at BMT?

 It wasn't that bad. The hardest part was the pyramid pushups. I will say that since I've been in the requirements have changed. Not sure if they are harder or not.

 Q: What was the best thing/experience that happened to you while there? 

The best part(s) were completing the Obstacle Course, which is also called the confidence course for a reason. Don't chicken out, try your hardest, and don't take the easy wall, and graduation. Knowing that I managed to make it that far through everything, and getting to experience what I did was worth it.

Q: What was the worst thing/experience that happened to you while there? 

The worst part was getting sick. I ended up with a nasty flu, and tested positive for the adenovirus. While I was there, the norwalk virus ended up spreading like wild-fire. There is nothing you can really do to prepare yourself, just make sure to hydrate, and stay healthy. If you are really sick, then say something. It's not worth risking pneumonia like one guy in my flight or worse.

Q: What is the best advice you could give to any future trainee to survive BMT?

They will yell, and scream, but don't take it personal. Do as you are told with a sense of urgency. 

Tell us a little about yourself (why you joined, etc.)

I'm 26, joined when I was 23, which was an experience, but was worth the wait. I'm the 4th in my family to spend time in the Air Force, and hope to make it a career. So far, I've deployed to Guam which was fun, and participated in weapons loading operations for Operation Odyssey Dawn.

Thanks again for reading, everyone! Remember, any questions at all, feel free to comment! He's here to help you through the process!!! =]

(Props to my friend Britt for the picture!)

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