31 October 2012

Are You There, Sleep? It's Me, Starr.

So I've been laying in bed for several hours now, hoping to get to sleep early for once. However, my nonstop mind had other plans.

I just had my first huge freak out about leaving! Well, not so much leaving as actually being there and doing everything! I have no idea why or how it came on tonight, but it did.

I'm down to 6 days before my feet touch San Antonio soil. Wow. Do y'all remember when I first got my ship date?! It seriously just feels like 2 weeks ago. Most people feel like it was forever ago, but not me. I'm so anxious/nervous/excited/scared. I have taken my PT regiment way too easy lately. I know I'll end up regretting it, too. And on top of that, I need to lose about 5 pounds by Tuesday. Gahhhh.

I feel like time is just dragging by now. In a week's time, I won't be in my own bed anymore. I won't get to cuddle my child (cat) or my husband. I won't be able to call my husband whenever I want. He's my best friend, and not being able to just pick up the phone to hear an encouraging word, or a simple "I love you" is going to be the worst. He's always gotten me through everything. He's my rock. Despite the problems we've encountered these last few months, he's always been there for me, and always will be. I don't think I'd be able to make it through this week, or BMT, without him. Those scarce phone calls are going to be my lifeline. If all I was ever allowed to say to him, and hear him say to me is "I love you", I would make it through. It would be enough.

Sorry for getting all mushy, but as my time at home draws to an end, I feel like my emotions are all over the place! I just have to remind myself, it's only 2 months of my entire life. And the result of it will be worth everything we have gone through.

Signing off for now! Hopefully I can get some rest! I'm planning on a nice, long PT session tomorrow! Good night, all!

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