I've decided it's about time I started documenting my journey through enlisting in the United States Air Force. I've attempted to make a few YouTube videos, but never uploaded them. I find myself talking for at least 12-45 minutes. No exaggerations here, folks. Anyway, let's get down to business.

So, you've got your ASVAB test date, you've got your book, now what? Study, of course! But really, what now? Well, what I did was extensively research anything and everything Air Force. Luckily, my sister-in-law and her husband in currently AD. They just went through BMT and Tech School less than a year ago. She was able to give me TONS of info, it also doesn't hurt that we have the same recruiter! Anyway, I was watching videos, reading blogs, Googling, just absolutely going crazy. I was on my phone constantly looking things up (my laptop had been out of commission for a while, so I just got a new one about 3 weeks ago). www.airforce.com was my lifesaver. I was on that all day, every day. It was my homepage on my phone. It still is, and I've gotten a new once since then. It's even my home page on my laptop. Back to the ASVAB, though. Another great tool, is www.military.com where they have practice tests! They've got short versions, and the full length versions. Those actually helped out a lot. I got the same score every. single. time. on there. I ended up making like, 4-6 points higher on the real deal. Awesome sauce. Where do you go from here, though?
Your recruiter should be contacting you within 5 days (at least mine did!) to tell you your sub-scores. These include the General, Administrative, Electrical, and Mechanical aptitude areas. These are the areas I was talking about earlier that help determine what job(s) you qualify for! From there, you should be submitting all of your paperwork (DL, SS card, HS diploma, transcripts, BC, Marriage License, etc.) so your recruiter can prepare you for MEPS. From what I've heard through some friends, they all went to MEPS within a couple of weeks of initially meeting with a recruiter. Mine had been on extra overload starting like, a month after my ASVAB. He was literally doing two jobs at once, so he fell a bit behind. I was okay with that, because I get where he was coming from. I'm going to dedicate a whole post (possibly two) to my MEPS experience. So stay tuned for that!
A little about me, though....
As I said earlier, I'm 22. I'm also married! It'll be 3 years in December, but we've been together for 6, and were BFFs for 2.5 before that. Basically, I've been married to him like, half my life haha! He's very supportive of the military, and my decision to join, he just doesn't want to leave home. I'll pretty much leave it at that, since this is supposed to be an uplifting, informational place =] Let's just say, I have no idea where we'll be at in a year. Anyway....I have a sister, she's exactly 1 year and 2 weeks older than me. She's a super nerd. You can find her website at www.noobtheory.com and search Noob Theory on Facebook and like it! She is a master at physics and all things science. So is her husband. Weirdos. I just wanna make sure nothing blows up around me, and that's all the science I need. I love her, though. =] My mom had me laaaaate in life. Like, 38, late. She'll be 60 next month. Yikes, that's weird to think about! She raised us all by herself. My dad passed away when I was 3 years old of Bacterial (idk what different kinds there are of this) Meningitis. I also had an older sister who passed away 3 months after he did. She got the Ecoli virus, and her immune system couldn't fight it off. I got a tattoo that says A^2 (Asquared) because both of their names start with an A. It's on my left shoulder, close to my heart. My mom raised me to be a strong willed, independent, confident person that never lets anyone bully me, tell me I'm not good enough, or tell me my beliefs are wrong. I admire her so much for that. She truly is my hero.
I'm here to help every person I can go through the enlistment process of the Air Force! If you have any questions at all, I'm more than happy to answer. Although I haven't been to BMT, I know plenty of people who have. I can certainly ask them questions you may have, or might even answer them based off of what they've told me. As soon as I make it through BMT (whenever that will be!) I'll definitely update with everything I'm allowed to tell! =]

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